Monday, September 28, 2009

Terrell Owens: Crucifixion of a Savior

Here we go. . . again.

It was only a matter of time before the scapegoating began. Terrell Owens held his tongue at a press conference; and, he is still somehow a disruption to the Buffalo Bills.

Check out this article on ESPN and the comments: Terrell Owens Fires Back at Rodney Harrison.

Rodney Harrison didn't like Owens' post-game press conference remarks. He called Owens a clown. Maybe somebody should have pulled Harrison's collar and gave him a mirror so he could see the unprofessional clown staring back at him.

Throw him a dictionary somebody so he can expand his vocabulary.

We all know that Owens is an emotional, competitive player. He speaks before he thinks. Could T.O. have handled the press conference better? Maybe. Was he in hostile territory? Certainly. It's no secret that the sports media despises him. Druggies, wife beaters, drunk drivers, and other league riff raff get better treatment. Several times he was asked loaded questions with plenty of opportunity to place blame and throw somebody under the bus. He didn't take the bait. I commend him for that.

Good for you, Terrell Owens. You made progress until you regressed with the Twitter comments. You should not have dignified Harrison's comments with a reply. Who is he to call you a clown when he was nothing without HGH?

Back to the T.O. disrupting the Bills...

The responsibility for the loss to New Orleans doesn't rest on Owens' shoulders. He cannot be blamed for all the Bills problems. Not converting third downs is a problem. Overthrowing and underthrowing receivers is a problem. Key injuries are a problem. Fumbling snaps is a problem. Too many penalties is a problem. Inexperienced offensive line and coordinator is a problem. No pass rush is a problem. Lack of mental focus is a problem. A sputtering offense is a problem.

I love the Bills; but they had a stack of problems before T.O. got there. The whole team, including the coaching staff, has to hold it together. It's not the time to start pointing fingers and blaming people. Bills fans, let's focus on the positive. The defense performed well against an offensive powerhouse. Lynch is back next week against the Dolphins. They can still have a winning season.

T.O. is just not a good loser. The man just wants to win. I can't blame him for that. We all want to be winners. Apparently Bill Belicheck is a poor loser also. He could barely bring himself to shake Rex Ryan's hand after the Patriots loss to the Jets. So, we need to slow our roll on making this a big deal.

T.O.'s bad attitude and lack of maturity doesn't equal washed up and overrated. Every player has a bad game. Is Tony Romo washed up after losing the game for Dallas against the Giants? How about the Steelers kicker Jeff Reed? Is he washed up after missing two fields in the loss to the Bears and one in the loss against the Bengals?

Get real people. It takes a team to win football games not one player. The Buffalo Bills need to dig in and fight as a team. If they wanted a savior they should have signed Jesus.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if TO would be a serial killer if he was unathletic enough to be a pro athlete lol

    so glad I added this site to my blogroll and follow it
